Friday, July 23, 2010

New Tat :)

On Wednesday, I got a new tattoo on my lower back, it was definitely something I wanted to get for the longest time, and I finally got it :D I loved how it turned it..Myles E, my tattoo artist designed my tattoo because he was laughing at the printed designs I brought in from the internet...also my girls Rowena and Kate came with me for moral support :D i love you guys..and thanks again Myles for another wonderful job..I love it!

During the process...the gemini sign above it was my first tattoo..and it got touched up as well

Friday, July 16, 2010

Probably the worst thing that happened to me yet...

So last night my girls asked me to go clubbing with them, first I said no..but something in the back of mind said I should go out and have much for that :(...we parked our car close to the club around 12:30 am...then after 2 hours of being inside the club we decided to leave...when we got to my girls car we realized the window was all the way rolled down so I ran towards the car to look for my purse and once I noticed that it wasn't where I put it I knew right away it was gone...gone for good..and nowhere to be found...I was soo upset..I just don't understand how some people out there could do that...stealing other people's belonging is the worst thing to do..I have never stolen anything in my life, you can call me any names you want, but you could never call me a thief...I lost my Coach purse which is expensive already $ all the other valuables inside it...Coach wallet $200+..Coach wristlet $50...Brand new Ray bans sunglasses wayfares $160...Ray bans eye glasses $300..Ipod nano $150...and a bunch of little bath and body lotion, my keys (had to wake up my mom at 3 in the morning..not good), my book that I'm currently reading, my cell phone case thank god I had my phone, blackberry headset, mp3 wired for your car, mac lipgloss, and mac lipstick just to name a few...basically you can tell I carry a lot with me...and there was nothing else stolen in my friends car they even opened the glove compartment..nothing else but my's like they struck gold...but honestly, I already accepted it..and now I have to move on...called all 4 credit card companies to cancel and if they tried to use it the police will come..which I'm hoping to happen so I can spit on this nasty thief's face for doing something very low and disgusting...I BELIEVE IN KARMA :) will only take me a matter of weeks to get all of those things back again...definitely a lessoned learned...nobody likes to lose their things..

Me with my purse...I'll never forget you..thanks for everything...WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE??...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My new watch

I've been wanting a watch for some time now..maybe for like 2 weeks? and usually when I want something I always end up getting it :D lol and I don't usually wear watches but I think I'm gonna start wearing one now :)...Anyways I wanted something big, silver, and lots of diamonds a.k.a. a blinging watch I went around Square One mall at every jewelry place they have..and there are a lot of watches that were nice enough to fit my criteria..but I still havent found one that really struck me close to even getting it...until I stepped to the Guess store...I wasn't planning on getting a Guess watch at all, because believe me Guess is a very good brand in clothes..but I wasn't sure it was a "good enough" brand for a watch...I wanted to get either Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors or Bvlgari watches..but there weren't any I liked :(...So at this Guess store they have a lot of watches to choose from because it's only a Guess store that sells shoes, bags, and watches no clothes at all...and the lady that helped me was nice enough to help me pick the one that I really wanted...and I went with this one!!

Dazzling Sport Mid-size Hyperactive $215.00 CDN

-It's a multifunction watch that also shows the date, day and 24hr time, it's a silverstone with a crystal case, has a steel bracelet, 50 M/165 FT Water Resistant you can wash the dishes with it, get it rained on, take a shower with it or even swim with it..and the best part 10 year overall I'm happy with my purchase of this Guess Watch :D


Friday, July 2, 2010

Devastating loss :(

I'm really sad today because my team lost in the quarter finals against Netherlands...I've always been a big fan of the Brazilian Football team because they are all soo talented, each single player has so much talent and skills and to me that is amazing...I hope the Brazil team would've won the World Cup 2010 :(...I will always be a fan no matter what...Good job this year team Brazil, I'm proud of all of you..they perfected football and will forever be the #1 team in the whole world...