Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am madly inlove with...MYSELF

This is another one of my self-actualization and reflection blog...I'm writing this blog because of two reasons: I realized something about myself, and I would like to inspire others...the title said I am madly inlove with myself, to you guys it might seem and come off like "oh she's conceited", or "she is way into herself," blah, blah, blah...but's nothing like that at all. the past..I've always been the type of person who puts other people before my own self, I care too much about what others think of me or what they will think of me, that's why I always do things to please thinking behind these actions is because I want to make them happy and I'm also trying to avoid problems or drama...even though it hurts me and it doesn't benefit me as much-I just put others first...

As years go by and I continue to learn more and more about life...I just don't think being too nice and too kind will get you anywhere..because some people out there "take kindness as a weakness" and will walk all over you...and even though I care so much about others and would want to make them happy-I can't live my life like that forever...I love myself, and if you don't love is impossible to love someone else...If you don't have that self-love and that self realization first, then you can't really be a good girlfriend, wife, friend, mother, and person.

So yes :D I am madly inlove with myself because it opens me to be able to love the words from Whitney Houston's song "The Greatest love of all is learning to love yourself"

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