Monday, November 1, 2010

Most asked questions about me

I work as a server at a restaurant and majority of the time a lot of my customers ask me the same I thought about writing a blog about the questions that most of my customers ask me because maybe it's not just them that wonders these things...

1.) Is Jewel really your real name?
- Yes, yes is it my real birth name, my parents named me Jewel because my dad's name is Jerry, and his ex-girlfriend's name was Wilma...My parent's put it together and you get Jewel lol..I know it's weird using my dad's ex-girlfriend's name, but my mom's name Sandra and it was already taken by my older sister's name yeh my parent's were a little creative putting our names together...btw my little sister's name is Jeselle and it's Jessa and Jewel put together...

2.) What is your nationality?
- I get asked by this question way too many times, not just by my customers but from other people who I got a pleasure of meeting...Most of them think I'm mixed of asian and white descent, I also get other types of asian backgrounds such as chinese, korean, japanese, vietnamese, thai!...they usually say all of these guesses before saying Filipino, yes I am Filipino, 100% full, pure and proud to be Filipino. I believe that the best looking asian girls are Filipino and other people concur as well :)

3.) Do you work out your body? How do you stay fit?
- Honestly, with this question I give the most appalling answer...which is a no...I am a very lazy person, especially now in my early 20's...I used to be so active in my elementary and high school days playing basketball and track & field...but recently, the only active things I do is work, partying and xxx, but other than that I don't go to the gym and work out, although I would love to get abs on my stomach. I always have a high motabolism, so I'm thankful for that :D

4.) Where do you shop?
- Most of my belongings such as clothes, shoes, bags, make-up, accesories, micellaneuos things are bought from my mall Square One Shopping Centre, it is the best mall in Mississauga, and it's so close to where I live, where I work...I know that mall like the back of my hand...I also like to buy expensive things because it lasts longer than cheaper items...and I like to shop every single chance I get! I never stepped foot in that mall and leaving without nothing lol..most of my clothes and especially my dresses are only worn once! you will never catch me wearing it twice :) what can I say? I'm a princess, and that's how princesses live :)

5.) Are you single? Do you have a man?
- :) No I am not wifed up right now, 2010 - being single for the whole year is actually my best year thus far. I've definitely grown, became more of an independent woman and I know more things now about life that I didn't know then :) I am soo happy with my life right complains, I feel soo blessed :D

6.) What do you like about tatoos?
- Uhm...I currently have 5 tats right now, I really don't mind the pain. I'm plannin to get about 4 more and well see how it goes from there, I love the art of tattoos, I study it, and it amazes me.

7.) What kind of music do you listen to?
- My ears are open to a lot of different genres of music..I listen to Hip-hop, rap, and r&b I also love pop, punk rock, reggae and house music. When I'm in the club I love dancing to reggae and to house music.

8.) What are you addicted to?
- A lot of things actually...alcohol, shopping, xxx, tatoos, games on my ipod touch, money..and my lifestyle...

9.) What can you not live without?
- My family...but in terms of materialistic things my Blackberry, my laptop, my make up, and my nivea labello chapstick lol

10.) What are things that most people don't know about you?
- Hmmm...that's hard..I'm very open about a lot of things I do in my personal life, most of my close friends know how I am and facebook friends see what my life is like through my posts on facebook...but I really like to sleep throughout the day..and wake up at night to go out...I don't watch any t.v...and I eat a lot everyday lol..I think that's it

You know what it is...Black and Yellow Black and Yellow Black and Yellow

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