Friday, August 17, 2012

Would you rather be trusted or be loved?'s been about 2 months since I last posted here...I guess I've just been so busy and caught up with my life lately..just balancing between 2 jobs, my family, my friends, man I'm talking to, social life, my "jewel time" and nothing has really inspired me to write a new blog-UNTIL NOW :)

This blog is about trust and it's something that's really hard for a lot of people to have for others or for others to gain from you vice versa..but answer yourself this..would you rather be trusted or be loved?

"When you fall in love, it's spontanious, you can't help it, the other person didn't make that much to do with it, because just being him/herself is the cause you fell in love. Sure being loved is great, but trust is just better. Trust can't be found, it's a long work, because the other person won't trust me unless i made sacrifices, and i were always by their side, and it takes so much time, and when it's lost because of lies or betrayal, it's the hardest thing to regain, trust me. you can love but without trust, the whole relationship is worthless, because doubt and fear will destroy it, but when you trust someone, you feel so much secure and happy, because you know that you can count on this person when you need help. The cause of loving our parents is because they were always the ones we can hold on to when we were afraid, siblings eventually love each others because they know that they have each others when there is any danger. Love you may feel it again if you lost it, but trust would be the hardest thing to feel towards someone else. See those couples that were on the edge of divorce and didn't do it because they were still in love, are they back like before? no, because one will always feel doubt and will be suspicious, and the other will feel guilty and will try to make his partner that he has learned his lesson. love is in this relationship, no doubt about that, but when trust is gone, everything will seem wrong, until after a long period of time, trust will be regained."

Got this answer from yahoo and I agree with it completely! And yes I would much rather be trusted.

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