Monday, February 28, 2011

Blue & Copa Cabana

So this blog is way overdue...last week I only had 2 days off, Tuesday and Thursday...and even though I was tired and over worked, I still managed to have fun on both my days off.

Tuesday, there were a lot of my friends and I who went up to Blue for Steven's Birthday...I rented a car and drove up with Hamy and Jenn, we had a great car ride on the way to Blue normally takes 2 hours to get up to Blue Mountain, but I managed to get there in an hour and a half, and no I wasnt speeding or anything :) lol...We boarded the whole day and it was soo fun! Everytime I go up to Blue Mountain, I try to improve myself more and more to be better, and the better I am in snowboarding the more fun it is for me :D

In the car: Hamy, Jenn and I

Me, Jenn and Hamy

I love this sport so much

Then on my next day off, Thursday, Anh planned a surprise birthday dinner for her boyfriend Steve at this new restaurant downtown called Copa Cabana, which is a Brazillian buffet restaurant. We all arrived there by 8 pm...and Anh and Steven came at 8:30 and we surprised him..he was pretty surprised and had no idea about it at all lol. So basically, all you have to get up for is the salad bar, and for the rest of the meal, the servers come to your table. More than one servers come to your table carrying meat and asks you if you want it or not. They came around with so many different meat, from chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, pork, filet mignon., etc. and the food was excellent! I enjoyed every meat they brought me. I was very full from eating all that meat and was well satisfied.

With one of the guys that came around

With Anh and Steve

With Jenn

A toast with the table

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Megan Fox

These two women are my inspiration right now and have been for a couple of years now...I've just studied and watched their work over the years and I think they are extremely talented, they have an amazing personality, they are so smart and illmatic, they have a lot of tattoos, they say/do what they want and they dress to kill. Back in the day people would look up to Marilyn Manroe as the sex symbol, but I think in this generation right now it's all about Rihanna and Megan Fox.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"I always ignore men who whistle and yell something to me whenever I walk by, but I'm not gonna lie, it makes me smile :)"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The way I am

I feel that sometimes...people in this world will encounter friends who aren't that supportive, who are jealous of what you have, they want you to be unsuccessful in life and aren't genuinely caring about you. It is because of the amount of jealousy they have towards you, and it bothers-better yet, kills them to see you happy.

I must admit, I noticed some of my friends are jealous of what I have and what I'm doing or what I'm planning to do, and they try their hardest to set you up for failure. They do this by either giving you wrong advices, or talking "shit" about you behind your back to others. You see, I'm such a positive person, and that's how I've always been. Whenever something goes wrong and something bad happens to me and to people I know, I always think positive, and positive outcomes. I don't let myself be stressed out about people not wanting to be my friend anymore, or wishing bad things about me. They are called past for a reason, because they won't be in your future. If people could only see my life in a daily basis, I am very happy, I get what I want, I am enjoying life, I used to think I was lucky...but not anymore, I'm actually blessed..and that's just...THE WAY I AM.