Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The way I am

I feel that sometimes...people in this world will encounter friends who aren't that supportive, who are jealous of what you have, they want you to be unsuccessful in life and aren't genuinely caring about you. It is because of the amount of jealousy they have towards you, and it bothers-better yet, kills them to see you happy.

I must admit, I noticed some of my friends are jealous of what I have and what I'm doing or what I'm planning to do, and they try their hardest to set you up for failure. They do this by either giving you wrong advices, or talking "shit" about you behind your back to others. You see, I'm such a positive person, and that's how I've always been. Whenever something goes wrong and something bad happens to me and to people I know, I always think positive, and positive outcomes. I don't let myself be stressed out about people not wanting to be my friend anymore, or wishing bad things about me. They are called past for a reason, because they won't be in your future. If people could only see my life in a daily basis, I am very happy, I get what I want, I am enjoying life, I used to think I was lucky...but not anymore, I'm actually blessed..and that's just...THE WAY I AM.

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