Saturday, October 1, 2011

Big Transition Happening

When my parents first proposed the idea to me about 2 years ago, my first thoughts were no! hell no! no way in hell! nope! never! and I was so sure of it, at least I thought I was. It took my parents a lot of persuing and convincing and then eventually I acquiesced. I made a "grown up" decision that I would move with my parents and my little sister to the U.S. mainly because I can't live without my mom, I need her too much, she is my backbone, my mentor and without her I'd be lost in this world. My dad too, but lol! I'm a mommy's girl. Another reason was my little sister Jeselle, she is my sunshine, she makes my day every day and there's no way in hell she's going to grow up without a sibling, an older sister to guide her, help her, protect her, and care for her whenever she needs.

Well, I did weigh the pros and cons about the move and the pros were more superior. I really don't like having the idea of leaving my family, friends, leaving my house, my city, my country, my life for the past 12 years :S? I really thought I would be here forever, that my life would be set here, I would graduate University here, marry my husband here, have my career here, and have my sexy babies here lol! I just thought my life would be here..forever! But my parents told me life can take you places, sometimes places you've never thought of. You will always remember where your from. And for your friends, you will make new ones and you can still keep in touch with your old friends. They can visit you, you can visit them, and if you don't like living in the U.S. you can always go back to Canada. It's better to try it out because you never know if you'll like it or not.

Hhmm...maybe this transition won't be so bad after all. I just have to live and adapt to a different environment, and I already know myself that I will be just fine. I always knew I was meant to live a different life, a different lifestyle, like I was meant to live over there :S...I am only 22 years old and theres so many things infront of me. I will take this move as a blessing from God, it's like he gave me a third chance in life. I lived in the Philippines from the day I was born until I was 10, I lived in Canada from 10 years old to 22 years old, I will live in the States from 22 until whenever God wants me to stay there. I will always represent Mississauga, Toronto and Canada until the day I die...but Houston what is up!!! I'm ready for u baby :D!!!!

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