Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Woww...I'm really late for this blog, :S just been lazy I guess? I'm don't even have school or work yet, and I'm afraid I'm getting used to this "unproductive" lifestyle of waking up late everyday and having little to no purpose for the day :(...Well theres some days when I do have stuff to do and it had to be done, but other than that most of the time I'm free :D! I guess I'm just relaxing right now, FOR NOW...until my life gets all crazy again next year. Anyways for thanksgiving this year, my family and I journied off to Florida for the week (Nov.19-Nov.26) It was about 16 hours drive from Texas, and we passed by states such as Louisiana, Mississipi, and Alabama. The ride was pretty long, I don't really like long-drives (I would much rather take the plane -_-) and that was probably the longest travel I've ever done in my life by car, we didn't obviously drive 16 hours straight, it was a day and a half worth of travelling. At Florida we did the obvious such as go to Magic Kingdom, Universal studios, shopped at malls and outlet malls, went to beaches such as Clearwater beach in Tampa, and Daytona beach, and spent Thanksgiving dinner at our relatives house in Tampa. On the way back we stopped at USS Alabama to see some historic submarines, battleship, tanks, planes, etc. Here are some of the pictures I took:

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