Thursday, May 31, 2012

Face Toner

For 3 months now I've been using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner for my face :| I saw one of my favourite youtube gurus make a video about it and I decided to give it a try. I don't have a very problematic skin but once and a while I would break out. When I do get a pimple it's very hard for me not to touch it! It's like I have to pop it! So I bought a bottle of apple cider vinegar from the grocery store, I put 2 tablespoons of it in a resealable container and mix it with 2 tablespoons of water. Then at night or day (whenever I wash my face) I dip a cotton ball in the toner that I made and apply it all over my face. The only bad thing about this toner is that it really stinks at first, but you get used to the smell after. Also, it burns a little when you apply it to your face, I just normally fan my face when it happens and it makes the feeling better :) This toner prevents massive break out and cleanses your pores because of the acid that it contains. It also helps get rid of pimple scars and redness on your face. I give it an A.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was-my dashed hopes, my dashed dreams, and soured expectations. I have never been on the receiving end of rejection." -Fifty Shades of Grey

-When I read this part it actually reminded me of a time when this happened to me! and how I cried oh man smh...but anyways I just started reading this book already and I'm on chapter 4. I heard many great things about the book so if when I'm finished the first book I'll write my review here :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

According to certain scientists...whenever a woman has sex, her body produces a chemical which causes her to get emotionally attached. This chemical may also account for the series of terrifying questions that involuntarily pop into our minds after just one casual tryst. Questions like..does he like me, will he call again, and the classic, where is this all going?...When it comes to the men, even when we try to keep it light, how do we wind up in the dark? -Sex and the City

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Most people dont know this about me but I spend some of my time reading the bible. I like it because it relaxes me, it takes all the stress and worries away. It honestly works and if you havent been reading the bible lately-you should try it! It just takes you away and makes you feel soo good after :D