Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To a new year :) *toast

Happy New Year!!! :D wow 2012 was great year, so much things has happened, it was my first full official year in Houston, Texas. I met a lot of good people and I don't regret anything :) Goodbye 2012, I'll miss you and there were no regrets.

I also wanted to write about the time when I helped a customer at my bank job, and it's very important that tellers engage in conversations with customers to build raport and gain positive feedback and energy. So I was helping this woman, and she must've been in her 40s, I asked her how was her Christmas, and what she's doing for the holidays. She gave me her answers and she also mentioned how the beginning of next year (2013) it will be very busy for her business. I asked her what type of business she's in and she said she's a fotune teller. My face had one of those "ohhh really now..." with a shocking, questionable face because I don't really believe in those things, all I know is that I believe in GOD. For my amusement I asked her what can she tell about me, she took a moment then started asking if I've been in this branch for a long time, I said no I've only been working here for about 4 months, then she said I see you moving up to a higher position either in this branch or another branch next year around March. I was like "okay...am I getting married soon?" lol just as a joke and she said you will, but not anytime soon, I see it in a couple years from now. My next question was really important to me, I asked her "will I be happy?" And she said yes :) Then I asked are you able to see who I'm going to marry? She replied by saying he will be a tall 6'0 foot man, pale skin, brown hair, blue eyes. I just started laughing and said "now you're gonna have me looking for this man now!" and she said "no, he will find you." After that I just smiled and got all sorts of thoughts in my head.

After finishing her transaction, she blantly asked me if I was in a relationship, I replied by saying yes. And with a straight face she just bluntly told me "he's not the one." I just paused and looked at her with a little bit of sadness in my eyes, and she said it again.."he's not the one." She seemed so sure, so convinced and so convincing.....and honestly deep down I already knew he wasn't going to be, I guess I was just fooling myself, but not anymore...I can feel 2013 will be my year, it's the year of the snake, which is the year of my date birth 1989, so hopefully a lot of my friends and I do really well and prosper this year :)

Until next time xoxo

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