Thursday, June 30, 2011

My life would not be fulfilled...

Here is a lot of things that I need in my life in order for it to be fulfilled and I can die a happy person (not that I'm going to die soon but yeah...)

  • Get married to the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and have my dream wedding
  • Have kids, I have to have a girl and a boy
  • Go to College and get a Diploma in Business
  • Got to University and get my MBA
  • Live in a million dollar home
  • Travel to all the continents of the world
  • Go whale watching
  • Catch a bouquet at a wedding
  • Learn how to swim...tried too many times with my friends :(
  • Have a million dollars to my name (with my RRSP plan I should have it when I'm 50) but I want it sooner...
  • Own a pair of Christian Louboutins
  • Go outer space
  • Go in a hot air balloon ride
  • Become a Philanthropist
  • Find my purpose of life here on earth

That's all I could think of this moment...I'll brb if I could think of more

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

“In this un-perfect world don’t allow anyone to disrupt your way because of their small opinions. Don’t be a victim of what others negatively say about you. They have no bearing factor in your future. Let your best shine through, your inner beauty, and lead you to success!”

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My 22nd Birthday Bash

On Thursday, June 2, 2011 I had my 22nd birthday party that I've been planning almost a month ago. From the beginning to end everything went perfectly as planned, and I couldn't have been more happier :D. First, I had dinner at On the Curve restaurant with about 30 of my friends at 8:30 pm, I actually arrived 30 mins late to my own party lol sorry :(. Then at 10:45 my strecth limo came, but we were still eating and settling the bills and didn't end up leaving the restaurant until 11:30. We arrived at the club around midnight and was directed to the best vip booth in the club :D. Basically throughout the whole night everyone was just drinking a lot, dancing, going crazy, getting knocked out, done, and a few were puking :S. But I'm so glad everyone had a blast and was drunk, I'm so happy everything went according to plan :D Thanks to all my friends who came and I love u guys xoxo!!!

Here are a few pics from the crazy night:

Dinner at On the Curve

My outfit for the night - Dress by Yaya&Co | Pumps by Christian Louboutins

Triplets: Me, Jenn and Hamy

Everyone eating

Cupcake tower provided by Jenn & Kate, Cake provided my Anh thanks guys :D

Sam, me and kate

Inside the limo - Pop bottles!

Toast guys

love you bitches

Kao, Jonelle, me, paul and daniel

Inside my booth

Drink till u cant anymore


Thanks for coming out to show me love guys!

Love you Shelly Belly

Me, Nick & Hamy

Love Roses

I love u girls

Jonelle baby

My Presents:

*Insignia Flip Cam - Kate & Sam
*Gold heart Swarovski necklace - Jenn N.
*Star Wars Eps 1 to 6 - Ryan
*BBC Planet Earth DVDs in Blu-ray - Tommy, Mike & Kevin
*Tattoo (coming soon)- William
*Sephora Mascara Lashtash Collection - Diana
*Peoples Jewellers Diamond Wavy Bangle in Sterling Silver 0.15 CT - John
*Smashbox eyeshadow, Smashbox eyeshadowbrush & Smashbox Foundation Primer - Kristine
*Peep-toe High heeled shoes - Hamy
*Orchid Mango Liquor - Sheila
*Marble Chocolate Devil Cake - Anh
*$25 Mastercard Gift Card - Marcin
***Tiffany & Co. Black & White bone hearts - O.M

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!! is my birthday, I woke feeling really happy :D I thanked God for everything he has done for me, without him I wouldn't be here, I honestly feel so blessed, and very overwhelmed with all the bday wishes, hugs, kisses, and attention from my family and friends. I'm really and truly thankful for this amazing family that I have, I don't know what I would do with them. And to my friends who are really wonderful, they've been with me for years now, putting up with my shit and are still here..awhhh u guys know who u are :(...I love you all soo much, again Thank you!!!

Tonight is my party :D woooo excited!!!! time to shut it down.