Wednesday, December 26, 2012

When we were together, I held you down
I gave you all of me, but look us at now..
Thinking of all your excuses, but they dont add up
Now its so easy to see you dont deserve my love.
You pushed me far, you brought me to this
You had my heart, but then you blew it
And Im so over you, go get lost
Boy who do you think that you are?
Trust and believe me, you're gonna need me
Trust and believe me, she'll never be me..

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Behind every great man there's a great woman" I believe this saying is so true, and when I get married to the right man, I will be the best wife to him. I'm going to support him, be there for him through his highs and lows, love him, obey him, be loyal to him, and be his best friend. A happy wife is a happy life, what more can I say? When she's happy she won't have anything to bitch about, and the man can perform and do his job properly at his work and at home. I hope and wish for a wonderful and amazing marriage and wait for the day my husband tells me "I can do nothing without you." :)


Thursday, December 6, 2012

A real woman knows her worth and she'll only put up with your own bullshit for so long before finally deciding to let go and move on...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Someday, you'll miss her like she missed you...
Someday, you'll need her like she needed you...
Someday, you will love her but she won't love you anymore...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Stop letting people who do so little for you control your mind, feelings and emotions

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What's the point of having the most perfect hair, perfect face, perfect body if you're not even perfectly happy...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,"
declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future."

-For me this verse is important and it has a special meaning. I never really asked myself or God why was I born, I know some of my friends do, which means a lot of people in this world might be asking that as well. God has plans for all of us, we all have different blueprints, and only he can know what's ahead and in store for us. You just have to have faith, believe in him and don't complain. I know we want things to happen right away or asks Him "why me? why did this happen to me? etc" But things can't go your way and your schedule, it would have to be according to His schedule.

That is all :) Have a blessed Sunday

Monday, November 12, 2012

Be with a man that likes/loves you more than you do to them

Saturday, November 3, 2012

You know you really love someone when all you want is for them to be happy even if it means you're not a part of their happiness...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

May your friends respect you
Troubles neglect you
Angels protect you
And heaven accept you...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one"

Hmmm....good point

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Smile, you're too beautiful to frown"


Saturday, October 20, 2012

My life now

Wow...soooo two days ago Oct. 19, 2012 marked the day that I've been in Houston, Texas for a year!!! I'm clapping in my head and I'm happy but then again other emotions such as sadness and nostalgic feelings also come in to play. This whole year went by pretty fast for me, I've met so many new people, new friends, went to different places, attractions and I learned soo much. It can be so overwhelming but I'm taking it all in and believe it or not I've adjusted and really had gotten used to things and my life now. I admit in my first few months here it felt like a long vacation, it was so surreal that I didn't believe I lived here, and as time went by and little by little it started to hit me, and when it did it made me really sad. But I've realized that's just how life is, it takes you places. And never would I ever thought I'd be where I am right now. A little girl who grew up in the Philippines, to having her teenage life in Toronto, and now her womanhood in the States? Pretty crazy, and these challenges are here for us as a test and we shouldnt run away from them...we have to face them :) I have no regrets in anything I've done and decisions I've made, to me everything still happens for a reason and I'm very happy where I am right now. I have God with me everywhere I go, I got my family, great friends whos still here with me from Canada and also new friends, my school, my full time job and my part time job, and I got my car here in Houston.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Never feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them...

Monday, October 15, 2012


What are people's misconceptions of me?

1.) They always think I have a mixed ethnicity or they usually go through the whole asian nationaties before they say my actual nationality, which is pure Filipino!
2.) They think I constantly work out and exercise but really I'm so lazy and I eat everything I want lol I'm a fast food junkie :S
3.) They think I go tanning at a salon or spray tan but my tan is all natural :)
4.) People think I'm stuck up or a bitch when they first see me, but I'm really a sweetheart and approachable :D

- I think thats all I could think of for now *xoxo

Friday, October 5, 2012

I love him...and it took sleeping with another man to realize that

Friday, August 31, 2012

We all want the same thing...

I can pretend that I'm not lonely
But I'll be constantly fooling myself
I can pretend that it don't matter
But I'll be sitting here lying to myself
Some say love ain't worth the buck
But I'll give every dime I have left
To have what I've only been dreaming about

Everybody wants something
Better want something
What are you living for?
Everybody needs something
Fighting for something
I know what you're fighting for
Cause we all....

We all want someone there to hold
We just want somebody
We all wanna be somebody’s one and only
We all wanna be warm when it’s cold
No one wants to be left scared and lonely
We all want the same thing
Everybody wants something gotta want something
We all want LOVE

Rihanna - We all want love

Friday, August 17, 2012

Would you rather be trusted or be loved?'s been about 2 months since I last posted here...I guess I've just been so busy and caught up with my life lately..just balancing between 2 jobs, my family, my friends, man I'm talking to, social life, my "jewel time" and nothing has really inspired me to write a new blog-UNTIL NOW :)

This blog is about trust and it's something that's really hard for a lot of people to have for others or for others to gain from you vice versa..but answer yourself this..would you rather be trusted or be loved?

"When you fall in love, it's spontanious, you can't help it, the other person didn't make that much to do with it, because just being him/herself is the cause you fell in love. Sure being loved is great, but trust is just better. Trust can't be found, it's a long work, because the other person won't trust me unless i made sacrifices, and i were always by their side, and it takes so much time, and when it's lost because of lies or betrayal, it's the hardest thing to regain, trust me. you can love but without trust, the whole relationship is worthless, because doubt and fear will destroy it, but when you trust someone, you feel so much secure and happy, because you know that you can count on this person when you need help. The cause of loving our parents is because they were always the ones we can hold on to when we were afraid, siblings eventually love each others because they know that they have each others when there is any danger. Love you may feel it again if you lost it, but trust would be the hardest thing to feel towards someone else. See those couples that were on the edge of divorce and didn't do it because they were still in love, are they back like before? no, because one will always feel doubt and will be suspicious, and the other will feel guilty and will try to make his partner that he has learned his lesson. love is in this relationship, no doubt about that, but when trust is gone, everything will seem wrong, until after a long period of time, trust will be regained."

Got this answer from yahoo and I agree with it completely! And yes I would much rather be trusted.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's on to the next one, hard to move on when you always regret one.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Face Toner

For 3 months now I've been using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner for my face :| I saw one of my favourite youtube gurus make a video about it and I decided to give it a try. I don't have a very problematic skin but once and a while I would break out. When I do get a pimple it's very hard for me not to touch it! It's like I have to pop it! So I bought a bottle of apple cider vinegar from the grocery store, I put 2 tablespoons of it in a resealable container and mix it with 2 tablespoons of water. Then at night or day (whenever I wash my face) I dip a cotton ball in the toner that I made and apply it all over my face. The only bad thing about this toner is that it really stinks at first, but you get used to the smell after. Also, it burns a little when you apply it to your face, I just normally fan my face when it happens and it makes the feeling better :) This toner prevents massive break out and cleanses your pores because of the acid that it contains. It also helps get rid of pimple scars and redness on your face. I give it an A.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was-my dashed hopes, my dashed dreams, and soured expectations. I have never been on the receiving end of rejection." -Fifty Shades of Grey

-When I read this part it actually reminded me of a time when this happened to me! and how I cried oh man smh...but anyways I just started reading this book already and I'm on chapter 4. I heard many great things about the book so if when I'm finished the first book I'll write my review here :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

According to certain scientists...whenever a woman has sex, her body produces a chemical which causes her to get emotionally attached. This chemical may also account for the series of terrifying questions that involuntarily pop into our minds after just one casual tryst. Questions like..does he like me, will he call again, and the classic, where is this all going?...When it comes to the men, even when we try to keep it light, how do we wind up in the dark? -Sex and the City

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Most people dont know this about me but I spend some of my time reading the bible. I like it because it relaxes me, it takes all the stress and worries away. It honestly works and if you havent been reading the bible lately-you should try it! It just takes you away and makes you feel soo good after :D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

If he...makes you laugh, kisses your forehead, says he's sorry, makes an effort, holds your hand, works hard, attempts to understand you...then, believe it or not, he's quite perfect :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I feel like I can't have a good make out session with a guy in public now without them getting hard's really annoying because I like kissing :(

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

To Buy: New Headboard

I've been seeing this type of headboard a lot lately in my favourite shows such as Gossip Girl, Bad Girls Club, and a few TV commercials. I want it so bad :D!!! And if you know the type of person that I am...whenever I want something bad enough, I usually always get it :) and that's just how it's been lol. So this headboard is like a cushioned, padded, upholstered headboard? I'm not exactly too sure what the actual name is lol so...yeh I'll get you soon headboard!!! :D

Friday, February 24, 2012

Drunk on Love

Take me away

I wear my heart on my sleeve

Always let love take the lead

I may be a little naive

You know I'm drunk on love

Drunk on love

Nothing can sober me up

Saturday, January 28, 2012

See, that guy she's with? He isn't the best looking dude, he might not have what you would consider "swag", he might not be the ideal boyfriend she thought she would end up with, but you know what? There's still something about him that she loves. She knows cuter guys, people tell her she can do better, but to her, he has the best personality she knows, he's there for her when she needs someone and nobody quite understands her like he does. She doesn't need everyone to think he's all that, cause he's more than good enough for her.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

For the Girls

Okay this blog is for all the girls who are having problems with their relationships because they're not happy. I was going to name this blog "For my girls" because a lot of my girls talk to me about their relationships and I'm not going to name any names lol but I decided that this can go not only for my own girls but for every girl out there who's having issues such as, number 1: they're not perfectly happy and number 2: they can't let him go.

This specific topic comes second nature to me because I was like that!!! or I kind of am still like that :S...I was in a few bad relations in the past, and obviously I wasn't happy with myself, I didn't like how he treated me, I would stress so much about it that it affected my relationships with my friends, family and school work. I believe the main reasons why I didn't want to end it was because I didn't want to me alone (I'll just stay with him until I find a better man one day), I thought that he could change and I had thoughts about our good times and images of us being happy in the future.

When you hold on to those reasons why you don't want to end it, then it can only mean you don't have respect for yourself!!! Bottom line. As much as you want to deny it, it's very true-you have no self respect. Take it from me because I used to be like this and I was in a much worse situation that only my close girls know. Because I didn't want to be alone, I found it much easier to break up with my ex and move on when I found another man! Yes rebounds and jump offs are there to make things easier but it's not suppose to be like that!! A lot of my girls who aren't happy with their men only stay until they find someone else who's better, because if a couple were perfectly happy with each other and found everything they were looking for, they don't need to look for another person.

I understand nobody wants to be alone but to not be alone for a few months or maybe years means you depend solely on others and again, lack of self respect. Girls, if you have to cry it out for a few nights or maybe weeks then go ahead and cry it out! Let your girls comfort you, you have to have good friends there after a break up or else you'll go crazy and pick up that phone lol Trust me, a few months of pain from that break up is better than having to spend a few more years or maybe the rest of your life with a man that you're not happy with. Remember "You have to be happy to make someone else be happy" Once you realize these things you'll feel much better, you gain more respect for yourself, you grow and become more independent and be in a healthy relationship in your next one :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

Just reflecting...

So it was just the other day when I got a feeling that I haven't had in such a long time...just to make a long story short, I don't really know the exact word of those different types of emotions, maybe you can all tell me what it is at the end :S? Okay so I was a having a conversation with this guy that I've known for a few years now, sure we did stuff and for sure I like him a lot and I truly care about him genuinely (more than most guys I dated). Despite all of that, I still dated other guys, because yes I'm young and I'm not officially taken! lol I told him what I was doing and admitted to everything and as a "player" You're suppose to play the game right, don't tell them anything, and deny, deny, deny! etc. But I made a decision that I would tell him, because I really cared about him, and from his expressions it seemed like he was bothered or I may have hurt him in a way :S? and I felt really bad and so guilty!!!

After telling him that a week prior to our conversation the other day, he also admitted something to me, and it was how he had a girlfriend for the past year and he's just getting over her now! First of all, I was so shocked, I really had to compose myself and try not to show any facial expressions. He figured since I became honest, he would go ahead and say something as well :S! Well I obviously didn't like the news, because when we were seeing each other-he was still not over her. He continued to talk about her for about half an hour -_- and he really loved her.

Can you imagine that feeling when you put someone on the top of your list of all the other guys, and to find out you're not in his! Or the feeling of being with that person and thinking they are truly happy but really they're thinking of their ex? And you weren't the one to help him get over her?! and I've been on this game for almost a couple years now, and I believe I knew everything there is to know about guys, but after this-it just made it seem like I know nothing : I cared about him way too much, and I shouldn't have. Well, that was that, now I know, and I can move on with my life (always gotta think positive!).

p.s. Yes I'm a jealous person and can't settle with someone that's not putting me first-and you shouldn't either!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Some days are just a waste of make up...and shit my make up from Lancome ain't cheap LOL