Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to School

Today was the first day back to school for me..because I have monday and tuesday off...yey! 4 day weekend happy...I had a month break for christmas and I was kind of excited going back...the school pretty much looked the same...and for my first class which was a big lecture hall..I came in late and I hit myself with the heavy door and everyone was watching..I made an ouch face and acted cool lol..that's just me..clumy Jewel...went on break after class and saw people I havent seen in second class today was boring..thank god he let us out early..and after class the cafeteria was packed of students because we had a hypnotist guest to entertain the students...and he had like 10 students up on the stage already hypnotized and from what I've seen he made them do some pretty crazy, nasty stuff like hump people, hump the chair, dance, touch themselves, and everyone was just laughing...I was like no way this is real, he probably paid these students to do these crazy shit or sumthin...but I missed the beginning of the show and everyone said they saw him hyponotize them and that it's real...soo it was a good day back and I have a pretty good schedule this semester..

winter 2010 schedule

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My New Hair I finally got my hair done...I've been waitin for so long I just had to wait until the xmas break is when I come back to school tomorrow it still looks fresh, right out of the salon =)...Of course I always get my hair done by Amanda, she's the only hair dresser that could touch my hair..and I am a very loyal I got to square one mall around 6..went shopping and bought a few things I hair appointment was at 7 and I didnt get out of there until 9..when the mall closes...and as soon as I got home I asked my mom to be my photographer are some pics of my new hair color brown..and layered cut =)

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Advice: Holding Grudges

This blog is dedicated to a very special person..and she knows exactly who she is...I would like to let my readers know that I'm never the type of person to hold grudges on others..personally, I don't like it, I can't stand it because it truly bothers me..and what I mean by that is that I wouldn't be able to get through my day to day life if things aren't flowing properly, it really distracts me and that is why I'm bothered...I'm the type of person that doesn't get mad at anybody longterm wise, I do get mad, upset and pissed at people, but only for a short period of time, which is about a few hours or a few is short, and we should live it to the fullest..and holding grudges and getting mad at others is just a waste of time, when you can just solve the issues and problems right away.

A grudge is defined as "resentment strong enough to justify retaliation". Everyone has, at some time or other, been hurt deeply by someone close. Bitterness about the person or situation leads to a grudge. Personal injustice ignites resentment in heart, which turns into a grudge. Since grudge is a form of resentment, a person who bears grudge may become revengeful. Instead of focusing on what he/she needs to solve a problem, for instance, he/she may spend most of his/her time thinking of ways to get back at whom he/she resents. This can be dangerous for there is a possibility of injuries.

A grudge pours its corrosive bitterness into us, arrogating our entire being. Soon the door will be open for envy, malice, jealousy, bitterness, gossip, and slander to come and visit. We will stop at nothing to even the score against the other party. Holding a grudge will only devour you from inside out, eventually turning you into a bitter person. All this happens because you refuse to forgive the one who hurt you. The price to pay is too high.

The best way to deal with a grudge is to stop thinking about the grudge itself and focus on accomplishing important goals. We will gain satisfaction and self-worth from accomplishing these goals. Conversely, the worst possible way to deal with a grudge would be to dwell on it. If we push ahead and create a satisfying life, we will feel less frustrated and less angry. It will take our mind off your grudge. We will be more willing to take responsibility for our actions, and our need to blame will dissipate. We will not want to taint our happiness by being ungracious. In essence, getting ahead in our lives will come to be more important than getting even. Hate begets hate. Happiness begets happiness.

For the people who hold grudges, I think it is realy silly and should try to see the good in people and look at all the wonderful things that are happening in life..because trust me you will miss out if you keep having bitterness and hate...Stop Holding Grudges People!

Friends who held grudges: Heidi and Lauren


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Goodbye...

This blog is probably going to be the most sincere blog I've ever written because this one is very close to my heart...since it's a new year..we all try to be fresh and start a new beginning and that's what I'm going to do...I haven't told many of my friends that Chris and I actually broke up beginning of Decemeber 2009 because of too many reasons and I'm not going to say all of them but it just simply wasn't workin out..we always had problems the whole time we were together and that's why the journey had to end...right now I don't think I regret anything that has happened between us for the whole 2 years we were together..I just take it as a learning experience, you move on from it..and I will try not to make the same mistakes's time for me to be more independent and grow up as a woman without depending on men...not many people know I grew up without a dad..and I think this truly affected me when it comes to relationships and how I deal with them...because whenever I'm in a relationship with someone I get really attached..kind of like an obsession I guess because it's a longing for a man..and how I have to be with one to make up for the loss of my childhood when my dad wasn't there or it could be because I was too naive and I don't know what it's like to have a man around?...I'm not sure if you all could understand this..I don't think I do either...but maybe a shrink can explain it to me lol...basically my message out there to young couples, male or that love can be soo blind...when you're in love it's like your on a drug..and sometimes you don't think of what you're doing and what you're going to just do it...I'm not saying being inlove is bad, it's such a wonderful feeling...but there's healthy love..and unhealthy love...and I think most of the time I was with Chris I would say it was unhealthy love...and it was just something really hard to get out of...but I'm not gonna sit here and bash Chris and say everything is all his fault cuz I've done my fair share as well...we were just not compatible for each other and there's no point continuing a relationship when you know your both not going to please for the couples out there..make wise and smart decisions...cuz God knows I have made many bad decisions throughout the relationship..and I'm glad that it happened to me when I'm only 20 and not when I'm much that that's off my chest..I can finally move on...2010 hope you will be a much better you will be a much better year!! <3

christmas 2009

at the lil wayne concert

orlando, florida trip

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Money

Money is power to me...I know it's really bad how I feel this way but I think I can be happy if I had lots and lots of money...I dunno maybe I am sort of a materialistic girl...but I'm sure everyone has that side in them...sooo this blog is about my money and how I feel about it...Once upon a time..I was makin soo much money every single day...and no it wasnt an illegal or degrading was simply me serving and waitressing at a restaurant...that was my first serving job ever and I never knew how much tips you could get from it...soo I started spending a lot..from left to right, even front and back..I just buy whateverrrr I want...and that was honestly such a good you can spend whatever amount and not feel bad about it, not think soo much about just do it! eating out and drinking at expensive restaurants, buying only name brand clothing, shoes and accesories, paying and buying shit for people..and that's where I went wrong...I think "I live for the moment" instead of thinking for the future...when I was spending stupidly everyday..I could've saved that for the future or just in case something urgent I am in debt from school and credit cards ugh!! can be good..but it can be sooo evil and devilish...and I have definitely learned my lesson..especially now that I don't make us much as sucks how I have to watch what I'm really when I graduate from school I just want to work in my field, live rich and happily ever after...the end

money lying on my bed

i got money to blowwww

sigh...i want u in my hands agen

why do u make me so happy...

Friday, January 1, 2010

My New Years 2010

Party, Party, Party let's all get wasted...and that we did..last night was soo much girls Rowena, Shajadra, Ingrid and I went to Vola Nightclub for the "Blame it on the Alcohol" event forI NYE 2010...we had a booth and 2 bottles of vodka...and there was only 4 of us...that would mean each person is drinkin half a bottle each :S and dat's fuckin crazy...I swear I was soo fuckin drunk I cudn't keep my eyes open, can't walk or stand..I'm just glad I didn't girls were drunk too but not as drunk as me...honestly sometimes I like the feeling of being drunk or being high cuz u feel so different and it takes u away from reality for a minute...soo yes the club was live..they mostly played reggae, my fav...and all of us were just havin a good some man was like willing to pay us 50 bucks to be in our booth..but no sorry :)...we left the club at 3 and I was still too drunk to drive so we stayed in the parking lot for awhile...we also bought these huge poutines omg they were sooo good...around 4:30 I started driving...and when I turned left on the street light I didnt realize I was turning left at the road for street cars and I went over the curb.island and as soon as my car hit the ground there was this big boom! and my steering wheel started shaking...I was freaking out soo much and when I pulled over and got out of the car the tire was completely flat and the rim got fucked! soo in the car there was me and 3 other girls soo we didnt know what the fuck to do...we started callin up some ahold of CAA..then some man came to change the tire..I was relieved that we were able to go home that night...around 6:30 was the time I got home..and I had work the next day at 12...soo tired...but overall a good night =D

my outfit for the night...dress by bebe and shoes by le chateau

ingrid and I happy new year!

rowena, shajadra and I (the liquor was hittin me already)