Monday, April 26, 2010

Today at work

It is Monday morning and I had to open for work..ughh! I hate opening shifts, ders so much more work to do lol..and I'm so tired, because I didn't get much sleep and someone was private calling me 5 times around 3 or 4 a.m in the morning!! I was soo irritated and annoyed, I really have no clue who it is...normally, if someone's calling you private several times you would kind of have a hint who dat person is, but for my situation..I have no idea...

Anyways I wanted to right a blog about my very first customer for the day...he sat all by himself and he was an old asian I thought to myself..."aww man!..he's going to be a fob and I will get shitty tips" (it's just that automatic server stereotyping, we all do it)...When I approached him, he was a very friendly old man, and he did know how to speak english properly, so I was wrong...and as I was serving him I did some small talks, because he was by himself (and it will increase my tip) lol!...Then he really started to get into his personal life and he told me how his whole head was smashed open, and I gave him that eww..disgusting look, and I asked what!? are you kidding me!? what happened!?

He said he got into a car accident, he was in a coma for 3 whole weeks, he is blind in one eye because they cut the optic nerve, and he said what I see with his face right now is plastic surgery!! I couldn't believe it, why would this man tell me all of this and it is Monday morning for Christ's sakes, this is way too much to handle especially for my tired self, He told me he likes to share his story to people especially the youths to make them realize life is very special, it is not something to take advantage of and be taken for granted, and as he was saying these things, I wanted to cry...He was so close to death, yet God gave him another chance to live...

You never know when it is your turn to go, that's why you should live your life like it's your last...


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