Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My unexpected new phone

Yes soo...yesterday I went to Square One mall to go to the bank and to buy a few things, and I just so happen to remember that my phone is still at the Wireless wave booth under repairs! I wrote a blog about this awhile back saying how my samsung jack is broken and it needed to be fixed...and it's almost been 2 months and I still havent gotten a call hmmm...so i went to the store and the man said that they were not able to fix my phone because it was too broken :S..i don't think it was that broken, everything was good but it just wasn't charging...but if there's no hope theres no hope...he said I could pick any phone I want, and all of a sudden my eyes lit up :D I always wanted an Iphone but he said that I have to pay $250..it's not bad but I didn't want to cough up $250 out of nowhere when it wasn't even my plan to buy anyphones yesterday...so i got my next choice of phone which is a blackberry :D...I got the Blackberry Curve 8520...I'm really happy with it, its all black, its new, its the perfect size, its sexy, its all that with a bag of chips :D...I had the very old blackberry with the trackpad on the side before my samsung jack, never thought i would go back to becoming a blackberry user again..but I'm happy with my decision...I'll get the Iphone as my next phone..and goodbye samsung jack! we had some good times throughout the whole 2 years..

Blackberry Curve 8520

my new toy: front view

side view

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