Friday, June 25, 2010

My Convocation

Yesterday was my graduation for Humber College and I've been getting texts and msgs all day saying congratulations from my friends awhhh...I love u guys :D...I can't believe I'm done, I'm a College graduate with a diploma...for the whole 2 years I've worked hard for it was all because of yesterday..:)..I'm really happy I finished this step of my life and now I can move on to the next one...which is more school ugh...but it's what I have to do to achieve my goals and dreams...

So I got to the school it seemed like forever since I last stepped my foot in there...everything was pretty much the same...I had to go get my gown and met up with friends sha and dennis...then we all had to line up with different groups according to our program...we stood inline for about 20 minutes waiting and waiting for our cue to go inside the gym and my feet were killing me bcuz I wore these 7 inch

When we finally started moving and got inside the was full of guests on both sides of the room and empty seats in the middle which were reserved for us..the gym was decorated so pretty :D...after we got seated the stage/podium was seated by the business faculty from humber and they had a special guest Jean Becker from Fashion Television...and she gave an inspirational speech for us graduates :D...after the faculty speeches it was time for us to go up the stage and receive our diploma..when the ceremony was over there was the reception outside with white tents where the guests and graduates could have some food...My mom, Jeselle and I ate at applebees to celebrate...and later on in the night partied with my girl Rowena at a club...and that was my convocation day

inside the convocation hall

the graduates...cant see me im all the way on the next column

Jean Becker

Thank God I didnt trip

Yey!! Congratz to me

My mom, me and Jeselle

Sha and I with our moms

My lil sister Jeselle and I


Friday, June 18, 2010

Victory for my LAKERS!!!!

Yayyy!!! Last night was an exciting yet scary girls Kate, Sam, Sha, Jenn and I watched the NBA finals game 7 Lakers vs. Celtics at Kate's was a girls night in with some pizza and wings :) I love those nights when you just kick it with your close friends and watch t.v. or movies :)...sooo we all had a lot of screaming, yelling and laughs while watching the was Sam and I going for LAKERS!! and Kate, Sha and Jenn for was a very close game, Lakers were trailing most of the time..but I had faith in my team...and Ron Artest and Fisher knocked those huge 3's that really helped the team :D...even though Kobe didn't play his best..he had the rest of his team mates to help him, which is good because most of the playoffs it was the other way around...I'm just so happy they won and that's 5 rings for my husband KOBE!! 13 rings for Phil Jackson!! Artest's first one..I knew he wanted one soo bad, and he deserves it..he played really well in the last 2 games, and we have his Phyciatrist to thank for that lol! and I really wanna hear his new single "champion" I just can't find it anywhere lol he is soo funny to listen to when he does his interviews...oh man...he is simply..misunderstood...:)

My team :D

Oh yeahhhhh #1!!

My husband and I with our kids LOL

MVP Babyyyyy

Oh God

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trip to the Toronto Zoo with my girls :)

On Sunday, June 13..myself, Sam, Kate and Jennielee went to the Toronto Zoo for fun, it was also part of mine, Kate, and Jenn's birthday present from, thank u Samzy love u :D btw Kate and I havent been there it was our first time...we all had to get up early but of course Kate slept we were an hour behind schedule lol...when we got to the zoo the airbrush tattoo was near the entrance and I really wanted to get one so I did lol it was 2 dolphines and a heart..I know it was corny but whatever I think it's cute :)...after my airbrush tattoo our trip started..we saw all the different kinds of animals, animals weve heard of and animals we havent heard off...just to break it down we saw hippos, tigers (jenn's favourite), lions, grizzly & polar bear, different types of monkeys, rhinos, camels, giraffes, elephants, kangeroos, different types of birds, snakes, frogs, and fish...I swear to God we went around the whole entire Zoo which took us the whole day because we left close to closing time which was 7 p.m...the Zoo was huge!! and we were sooo tired during and after lol..and when we had a lunch break jenn and I drank some beers so for some time both of us were tipsy going around the zoo, Sam and Kate found us annoying lol :)...I also rode a camel for $6 dollars for like a good 1 it was scary at first but it was fun I wanted to do for the longest time and I many people can say they rode on a camel :D? About 75% of finishing the zoo we took another break and ate some was good but its soo sweet..After finishing the zoo and seeing all the animals and buying stuff from the gift shop, we watched the lakers 5 vs. Boston game 5 at Wild Wings..and had 4 pounds of wings!! yehh I think we went over board but the game was making me angry!! I really wanted lakers to win sooo bad :(...I was screaming and yelling at the bar while watching the game husband Kobe did amazing that game but I cant say the same for the rest of the team...tonight is game 6 and they better win!!!

My airbrush tattoo

Sam, me, kate and Jenn inside a pavillion

me, the sleeping tiger and jenn

can u see the elephant behind me?

lunch break

our house

takin a break and sittin on da bear

me and my friend

toadie :)

all of us and the kangaroos behind us

me and tyson..thats what the guy said his name was lol

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to me :D


Yay!!! Today is my birthday :D...I can't believe it's been 2 decades and 1 year of me living on this earth...I am soo blessed and thankful of God parents, my family and my friends who are there for me...I celebrated my birthday party the weekend that just passed and I had one of the best weekends of my life...this has been planned for about 2 months and it has finally arrived and everthing turned out to be a great party was very similar to my last year's bday party but I can't choose which one is better...although this year was much crazier and had more my friends and I puking moments...

So the day started off by Kate and Sam picking me up at home and we all ran errands for the party...we checked in at the hotel around 5:30 and we all tried to take a nap before everyone starts arriving but we failed..we got no nap time at all bcuz we all kept talking!!! lol...a few hours passed and most of my friends have arrived so the pre drinking started...after a few shots (especially after the wray & nephew) I ended up puking in the washroom and one of my friends paul threw up on the hotel table/floor lol!

me, jenn, daniel and hamy

some of my friends at the hotel

me and my girl jonelle

me and christina

It was almost 10:30 and most of the girls had already changed to their ALL WHITE dresses bcuz I requested them to :) and they all looked soo lovely...I am so happy all my girls wore all we made our way downstairs to go to the limo, we took a lot of pictures outside and inside the limo and drank some more champagne, greygoose and bacardi friends are alcoholics...I was soo gone..and most of my friends were too


10 of my lovely angels surrounding me

crazy bunch...there were only 5 lucky guys that got to be in the limo with 16 chicks

sha, ingrid, christina

feelin the music

chuggin the asti mmmm..sooo good


i love this bitch right here

We got to Club V around 11:30...we had bottle service so no line ups and no cover for me and my friends :D...I thought the club looked really nice and pretty...once u get inside the door u have to go down these stairs and they were soo steep I thought my friends and I were gonna fall but thank God noone did...we finally got to our booth and had Smirnoff Vodka, Captain Morgan Rum, Champagne, Appetizers and Cup cakes which I didnt eat from bcuz my friends are scavengers lol The music was alright, it didn't really matter as long as ur the middle of the night 3 of my friends got kicked out for being drunk and acting rowdy, shoutouts to Joanne, Paul and Daniel!! lol

In our booth

Me, my girl Joanne and Rae

I love u guys...

outside th club were half of my friends were kicked out


my loves

After the club my friends and I were starving so we ate at tremendous

The next morning waking up at the hotel with my pretty roses from my girl Jonelle

That was pretty much all I can remember and most of my friends had to tell me what else was happening...I can't really explain the experience you just had to be there...I love all my friends for coming and making my night one crazy one...after checking out at the hotel me, sam, kate and shajadra all went to Sauble beach and spent most of the day driving bcuz it was soo far away...and a few hours at the beach..and that's it