Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Rib Cage Tattoo

I know I've been getting a lot of tattoos lately and everyone seems to wonder why Jewel? Why? Honestly, I am very impulsive person, and always have been. I buy anything and everything I want without thinking about it for a period of time, I just go for it :) And with the tattoos I probably only think about it for a month until I'm ready to do it again. Also, I feel some sort of happiness, relief and rebellion from it because when I was in a relationship for 2 years I was basically controlled and told I can't get any tattoos, which I think is soo stupid of me to be controlled by some guy, so now here I am happy and living the life I want to live :D...and I don't rue anything about it whatsoever!

Myles and I hes my loverrr :) and a friend lol

Gettin inked...Everyone was telling me that the ribs are the most painful place to get tatted..but for me it was didn't hurt as much as I expected

My I done? I dont think so :)

P.S. thank u to my bestest friend Vernon for comin to support me I love u!!

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