Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 2009 Recap

~SIGH~....another year has gone by in my's crazy cuz life doesn't joke around eh? it really goes on no matter doesn't wait for anybody, rush for anybody..LIFE GOES 2009 I turned 20...i left my teenage years behind..I feel like I've really grown and more stupid shit..I'm 20 now I realize I started dressing more of a woman..and backpacks and sneakers don't appeal to me anymore...and started acting more of a woman...and I like that =)..I just wish I don't age and look old..ughh I just wanna be forever young..does anyone know where the fountain of youth is located?? lol..but yeahh..2009 was a big's one of my favourite years..I did a lot of shit..went to many places, clubbed a lot..made alot of mistakes and regrets...but I will miss it...and there are somethings and someone I have to let go..and they should just stay in the past..=(...but I am ready for 2010..I'm going to graduate from Humber College..I will turn 21 soo off to vegas =D...I am no longer in a well see what its like for me to be single...and there is a big movement in my life that I can't share yet..which I think might happen in 2010...soo here are some pics of my 2009

earlier in the year I was featured in the filipino newspaper as "mutya ng taliba" (kind of like sunshine girl for toronto sun)

went to the lil wayne concert..opening acts by keisha cole, tpain, keri hilson, etc.

went to the beyonce concert with my girl jonelle

In the summer time I flew to Orlando, Florida to go to the happiest place on earth (good vaca =D)

My 20th birthday...this was at the hotel..getting ready to go to the limo and to the club..everyone was smashed (very fun, crazy, good night =))

halloween 2009..I was a hawaiin, hula girl

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Christmas 2009

I love love love when christmas time is's my favourite holiday throughout the year ever since I was a little girl..I really and trully believed Santa Claus was real..but unfortunately when I was 9 my grandma ruined it for me...I remember being so confused and devasted..but that was that and I moved on..I still love me I think christmas is about giving and being with your loved ones...I love watching my family open their presents I got them especially my little sister Jeselle, and my neice Jayla...watching their reactions is priceless =) So for this year's aunt which is my mom's bestfriend, uncle and their 3 kids came over and celebrated christmas with mom cooked delicious me I think she's the best cook in the world..and I hope someday I can cook as good as her...the kids watched polar express and after that we all watched four christmases which is a very funny movie midnight we began giving and opening presents..I got a silver heart necklace..which makes it my 4th heart necklace..I dunno I think I have a thing for heart necklaces now lol..and I also got some stuff for my face like toner, face wash, moisturizer from a filipino brand called belo...hope it's good I never tried it older sister Jessa and my neice Jayla slept over..and that night I wrapped Jeselle's present from Santa..and when she was it in the morning she was like "Santa's not real" and my mom's like "why would you say that?" and Jeselle was like "Because he used the same wrapper just like the other presents under the tree" and I was like about to die from sister is 5 years old btw and how can you think of that in that age? I cant believe she we were all like what the fuck do you say to that? there's honestly nothing you could think of and make up to prove Santa is real LOL...but overall another great christmas and I'm actually getting ready right now for another family christmas party which will be held at a hall, because there's too many families and we all don't fit in a house lol...hope all of you had a great christmas and I wanna wish everyone a happy new year from my family to yours <3

My family - my little sister Jeselle, Mommy, Daddy, older sister Jessa, her daughter Jayla and myself

Jessa and I

Me and Jayla

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My type of MAN

Ok so I'm going to write a blog of what type of man I look for just because I'm think I'm very picky with the type of men I date and have relationships with...and I'm very fortunate enough that I've actually been in a relationship with a couple of men that met my first things first...the personality, qualities and characteristics would consist of him being intelligent, nice but not too nice because I'm a bitch majority of the time and I would probably destroy him if he was too nice and I would get bored of him lol, and he has to be a little bit of an asshole and bad because I have this thing for bad guys it is such a turn on when you get into some arguements and he's acting "bad" I dunno I think it's sexy..but he cant be an asshole all the time no...he has to be caring, sweet, romantic, understanding, loyal, honest, and determined...For appearance wise he would have to be tall or taller than me, good looking face, perfect teeth and smile, ear(s) pierced, dresses baggy shirts and jeans (eww..) a collection of nice dress shoes and sneakers, because I also have this thing for men shoes...they really define the type of person they are..he has to have equal or more shoes than me and I have about 50+ pairs...I really like a man that is very hygeinic...I hate dirty guys that don't groom and take care of themselves...a man that has goals and amibition and not just waste his life on stupidity...He would have to hold me down and be faithful, because I'm a wifey matierial...and I think that's pretty much all I could think of right now...soo do u know anyone?? LOL

Kobe Bryant he's my ideal man I've been inlove with him since I can remember

Shayne Ward is very very sexyyy..

Trey Songz is just a freak and I love that

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Friday

Soo..yesterday was friday..i got called in to work (great..ugh!) and it was really busy (im a server at a restaurant btw) and i didn't get out of there until 4:30...after work my mom came and picked me up and she dropped me off to square one mall so i can do my christmas shopping..I didn't realize christmas was next week already..and I probably wouldn't have time next week to do it goal was to purchase everyones present at zellers so i can use my hbc credit card and get points lol but i couldn't find presents for everyone just my neice jayla's and my dad' I had to go around the mall for the rest..I went to costa blanca for my older sister jessa's present and my mom's...went to walmart for my lil sister's present jeselle...and i also got my aunt and my mom 2 for $25 earing holder and they r like little dolls that holds the I finished my xmas shopping at about 2 hours or so..I asked my friend rowena to come and pick me up ( sweet of her)...when I got home Jeselle was soo anxious to see what I got I locked my room and started wrapping all the presents...then I had to start getting ready for the club tonight...when I was done I went to rowena's house to pick her up and she wasn't close to being ready..ughh..she always takes forever to get ready! when we got downtown..we went to mansion nightclub..and that club was really wack, gay, full of young people that probably just turned 19 lol after an hour we walked to vola nightclub which was like 2 blocked from where we were so we were freezing our asses off!! vola was a much better club with better music..after clubbing which was like 3:00 a.m. rowena and i met up with sheila to eat at a chinese restaurant called tremendous...these 2 guys kept lookin at us so we asked them to join us..they were really nice and sweet men who paid for our meal after =) and that was my friday

This was my outfit going out

Sheila, rowena and I at tremendous

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My very first blog =)

Well..this is going to be my first EVER blog on this site (yey!)...I just made this account today at exactly 3 hours ago..and I'm actually kinf of mad at myself for just signing up to be a member of today because so many events and great things has happened to be before and I never got to blog about it (darn it!)...well..I do have a lot of things to say and write about...different topics that mostly talks about my life and other people's lives as well...whether its relationships, family, friendships, sex, love, school, or any kinds of dilemma that I encounter...hopefully you guys could FOLLOW ME (lol) i don't mind followers (just stalkers) me I'm really a fun, loving, kind, friendly person...but I'm also very different and unique as terms of my behaviour and the things I say..that's just me =) my friends would know how I am..I could really make you laugh..and at the end of the guys would ending up loving me <3