"He that cannot ask cannot live"
1. What do I like about my body?
-I am pretty happy with how I look, I like everything about my body and I feel blessed that God has given me such a healthy body. The parts I really like are my legs, they are long and fit because I'm an athlete; my stomach, I really like how they are shaped (perfect for bikini) and how they are always flat; my complexion, because everybody thinks I tan but no I'm just naturally this tan; and lastly my eyes, many people complement me about my eyes and how there's something about it like it tells a story.
2. Am I nice?
-Yes, I would think so...sometimes I'm too nice. I'm very approachable, any randoms can just come up to me and say something and I won't be rude to them, I will have a conversation but thats it! lol...I need to be more of a bitch though...
3. Am I doing what I really want to do?
-Hmmm...Yes I really wanted to be in business and study business, but as of right now I really wanna be rich, debt free, and party until I'm sick of it
4. What am I grateful for?
-I'm greatful for my wonderful family and my true friends
5. What’s missing in my life?
-I'm really content with my life right now =) I feel like I have everything I need, I know I don't have a boyfriend, but that was my choice. I think being single at this age (20) was the best decision I ever made :D
6. Am I honest?
-Yes...most of the time....but you can't be too honest...I lie sometimes to save my ass and to not have any drama
7. Do I listen to others?
-I do if what they say to me matters and can benefit me...You have to choose who you listen to and what they say to you, because some people out there just want to see you unhappy because they are unhappy with themselves, and they will try to put you in the same position
8. Do I work hard?
-Yes I do, I am Filipino, it's in the blood...we flips work hard :D
9. Do I help others?
-Whenever I can I do...I don't like seeing my friends hurt or struggle, so whenever I can I lend them a hand
10. What do I need to change about myself?
-Hhhmmmm..that's a good question....I think I need to stop complaining so much about everything!....I need to stop whining, everyones sayin how its annoying lol...I need to stop spending my money on stupid, unneccesary things, and save save save!
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