Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rockwood Nightclub

It was just an ordinary monday for me...when suddenly my dearest friend Rowena insist that we should go to Rockwood tonight...as much as I don't really feel like going, I thought about the fact that I haven't partied with her since she came back from Miami..and the fact that I haven't consumed alcohol in a while...and that is not good! lol

So it was me, rowena, paul and alex going downtown together...pre-drank at the parking lot, therefore I was feeling nice going into the club...my first impression of the club was that it was small, although it has nice light fixtures, elegant designs, and the crowd is older..which is a good thing. I hate going to clubs when theres a bunch of immature people. They only opened up one room that night, which was the upstairs mainroom, and of course the patio, but who wants to go up there when it's freezing outside. I've been told many, many times before that Rockwood on mondays is live! and yes they were right..the club was packed...and they played a mixture of song genres..i remembered house music played in the beginning, then hip-hop the whole night!...then 4 reggae songs at the end...i which they would've played more reggae tho...

The whole time at the club me, paul, and alex were drunk..but I think i was the most drunk...I already felt nice at the parking lot, but we took some more shots at the bar...honestly, I don't think I can go to the club sober anymore, I just don't think I would be having as much fun as I do when I'm drunk...it takes you away to a happy place and nothing can get to you...you just enjoy the music and live life (for the moment that is)...I was so drunk I even got in front of the camera and danced and they gave me a free gift bag with 4 mixed CDs and a shirt that says 5 star chick lol...also, Chris Bosh was at the club...so I dragged Rowena with me to the v.i.p and I said hi to Chris, and asked if i can take a picture and he said no :(...i was a little disappointed but his security said chris doesnt want any pictures tonight..so I just talked to his boys for a bit, then said bye to Chris...

Overall a good night...no drama, no fights at the club and all of us had a good time..would I go back to Rockwood? yes I would...after the club we all went to tremendous because we were all starvin...mmm...chinese food tasted extra extra good last night..especially after the club lol...that was my monday night and here are some pictures


paul, rowena, me and alex

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amika Hair Straightener

First off, I would just like to say I've been straightening my hair since Grade 9...and the first time I straightened my hair it was by a clothing iron! yes the clothing iron..it wasn't just me..everyone did it...and also I don't think hair straighteners were in yet lol...so basically you would have to lie down on da bed with your hair all out, then get someone to help you to run the clothing iron throughout your hair, in that case me and my sister would flatten each others hair with the iron lol..ahh that was back in the days..and it worked..but the damage to your hair is insane..i swear we got split ends like crazy lol..but I've gone through so much hair straighteners then, which brings me to my new hair straightener by Amika.

I first laid eyes on these babies when me and my friends were walking around Square One Mall and there were these booths in the middle of the walkway...and someone from the Amika booth would come up to you and say "hey would you like to try this hair straightener, its really good" lol I think they say something along those lines but whatever...so you go and actually try it and then you get amazed by how it straightens your hair...and when you asked for the price and they say $150..you just get thrown off because it's expensive for a hair straightener...these straighteners come in many different colors and it has that chique, sexy, new look.

After months of thinking of getting it...and now that I finally have it..heres my reviews...I have the gold colour..wanted pink but they ran out...and when you turn it on, it gets heated fast in the rage between 40 sec-1 min...and you can't adjust the heat, it only has 1 heat and you only get a turn on and off button...it glides to your hair smoothly, and you might need to run through the hair strands twice, depends on how straightened you want your hair to look...then the handle wouldn't spring back right away after you straighten, so it eventually hurt my hand lol...it didn't really lessen the time that I usually take to straighten my whole head, with my old one it would take 10-15 mins, and with Amiko it approx. takes me 15-20 mins...after you finish straightening you hair you notice that you hair feels smoother and shinier...I would give the Amiko straightener 3.5 out of 5 stars...because I don't think the price is right :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Ok honestly..as I get older and older I just cant stop thinking about TIME...and how it is really important in everyone's life...well I'm not even that old (I'm only 20 lol) but I just really feel like I've wasted some years in the past doing nonsense, unproductive things, sleeping all the time, wasting time wid stupid people lol...u know what I mean? well, if you dont...I would like for everyone to know that TIME DOES NOT WAIT FOR NOONE! and everyone should treasure the time they have on this earth and not take advantage of anything and anyone.

I decided to write a blog about this because today was the last day of my internship at Great West Life assurance company...and the weeks went by so fast..I'm happy I'm finished but I'm also sad...I've learned so much from the staff...and it's not so much of learing from the work I've done..it was learning from the people that worked there...they are obviously smart, nice, and successful people and they taught me a lot of life skills...I will always remember their great advices about having a successful future..I'm very thankful and blessed I got the opportuniy to be part of the team.

I'm 20 years old and I feel like yes I want to party, get drunk, have fun with my friends, met new people...but when I think about the long term - partying is only temporary..I care more about my future and I'm not going to f*ck that up...I used to be a "I live for the moment" type of girl but that had to change and I needed to make good and smart decisions...so please..for everyone out there stop wasting your time!! be productive! achieve you goals so u can have a better future...and for the people who already know they are heading to the road of success..I give it to u =)...

Heres a little poem about TIME

To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
Who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the a train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:

The origin of this letter is unknown,
But it brings good luck to everyone who passes it on.

Hold on tight to the ones you love!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Fashion Sense

I love shopping :D...whether its shopping for myself or shopping for others..its really fun for me and its definitely one of my favourite things to do...I think it was around the time when I turned 19 when I was really watching what I wear and how I wear my clothes...I've definitely grown up and changed my style in a totally different way...I remember back in high school days when I would just wear sneakers and throw anything that looks good on lol I guess what it is is I'm starting to dress more of a woman...and I cant even remember the last time I wore sneakers or backbacks :|....but hey that's my perogative...My inspirations for how I dress are the girls from Gossip Girl, reading vogue magazines and other fashion magazines, fashion television, and celebrities.

I was looking online at the top shop website and I want these items :D...arghh..I need to go shopping...but remember folks spend your money wisely! don't be a bum like me who's rich in my closet and not in my bank lol but anyways..TOPSHOP please come to Canada!!

I want these shoes...

i. hyacinth ii. studded court

I want these skirts...

i. hissy zip slip skirt ii.paris flippy skirt

I want these jackets...

i. premium waxed hitch hem ii. cropped swing trench

I want these dresses...

i. floral rouched dress ii. roll neck tunic


Some of the clothes I wear when I go out...


Friday, March 19, 2010

Jewel times 3

Oh man..I havent written a blog in like 3 weeks..lol I'm slacking :)...but that's ok..I'm back with this blog when I answer the question 3 times...don't ask! I'm just bored..lol

Three names I go by:
1. Jewel
2. Jewels
3. Donna (it's my nickname since I was young from my middle name Dawn & and it can only used by my family members lol)

Three jobs I have had:
1. Springrolls Thai restaurant as a server
2. Champs Sports
3. Licks Hamburgers and Ice Cream

Three places I have lived:
1. Canada
2. Philippines
3....surpise surprise for the next country I'm living in ;)

Three favorite drinks:
1. Ice Tea
2. Beer
3. Bellinis

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Bad Girls club
2. Gossip Girl
3. Friends

Three favourite Female artists:
1. Beyonce
2. Rihanna
3. Mariah Carey

Three favourite Male artists:
1. Michael Jackson
2. Usher
3. Ne-yo

Three countries I have been:
1. U.S.A
2. Phillipines
3. Japan (just a detour lol)

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Paris, France
2. Tokyo, Japan
3. South Africa (go on a safari lol)
- I really am interested in Geography, and I would love to travel around the world and meet different types of people, cultures, and lifestyle..~sigh~..one day =)

Three people who text me regularly:
1. My bitch Rowena
2. My rude boy
3. My sister & my mom

Three favorite old TV shows:
1. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
2. Saved by the Bell
3. Martiiinnnn Lawrence lol

Three favorite dishes:
1. Seafood Linguini
2. Red/Green Thai curry
3. Filipino dishes mmm...

Three makeup products I cannot live without:
1. Niveo chapstick (been a loyal customer since 2003?)
2. Mac Mascara
3. Mac Eyeliner

Three things I'm looking forward too:
1. Going to my next vacation...I dunno where yet..somewhere hot for sure!
2. Marrying my King
3. Having children (I have to have a boy and a girl..for example if I had 5 boys..yes I will still try till I get my girl lol)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday to my little sister Jeselle!!!

Time really does fly...I can't believe it's been 6 years since she was born...honestly kids grow up soo fast..it seems like yesterday when she was still a little baby..her whole body was so warm when u carry her...now she's running around, talking, making funny jokes, playing the piano, going to school, etc. I think she's the smartest kid, she's the funniest, and she's the best little sister ever..I still remember the day my mom told me she think she's pregnant...it was in gr.8 and we were all going to my graduation ceremony...I honestly didn't I believe it..so I took the news like mehhh..lol! after a few weeks it really hit me even more because the news was for real! my mom was going to have a baby!!!! for the whole 13 years of my life..it was only me and my older sister Jessa..we grew up together fighting all the time, everytime we played and if I lose the game I would cry to my mom, we went everywhere together, we even travelled to Canada by only ourselves together cuz our parents were already there...soo yehhh I thought it would be just the two of us forever...and I think everything happens for a reason...I know God sent us this beautiful babygirl for a reason such as bringing my family closer together especially during the times when it was hard and it seemed like everythings was falling apart...and I'm soo happy for this blessing, because if Jeselle wouldn't have been here..my family would've probably headed to a different direction in life...and I still remember the day she was born, my dad and I were the only once allowed in the delivery room and I was sitting in front of it..just watching the whole thing! lol yepp while my mom, dad, nurses and the doctor were over there doing their thing..I was sitting down directly across just watching..I was just amazed I guess..no wonder they call it the miracle of birth...then I was just soo happy she's here..she's healthy...she's perfect..I never thought I would have a little sister...and taking care of her from day one to now gives me good guidance and now I know what to do when I have my own kids...Jeselle I love you...you make my day everyday...

Me, Jeselle at 2..Jessa (during pregancy)

Jeselle at her 5th birthday party

loves her balloons lol

I love you babygirl

my sister, jayla, me, and jeselle

Yepp 2 years later after Jeselle was born, my older sister got pregnant to a beautiful babygirl Jayla, and yes they Jayla is Jeselle's niece and they play together all the time =D