Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amika Hair Straightener

First off, I would just like to say I've been straightening my hair since Grade 9...and the first time I straightened my hair it was by a clothing iron! yes the clothing wasn't just me..everyone did it...and also I don't think hair straighteners were in yet basically you would have to lie down on da bed with your hair all out, then get someone to help you to run the clothing iron throughout your hair, in that case me and my sister would flatten each others hair with the iron lol..ahh that was back in the days..and it worked..but the damage to your hair is insane..i swear we got split ends like crazy lol..but I've gone through so much hair straighteners then, which brings me to my new hair straightener by Amika.

I first laid eyes on these babies when me and my friends were walking around Square One Mall and there were these booths in the middle of the walkway...and someone from the Amika booth would come up to you and say "hey would you like to try this hair straightener, its really good" lol I think they say something along those lines but you go and actually try it and then you get amazed by how it straightens your hair...and when you asked for the price and they say $ just get thrown off because it's expensive for a hair straightener...these straighteners come in many different colors and it has that chique, sexy, new look.

After months of thinking of getting it...and now that I finally have it..heres my reviews...I have the gold colour..wanted pink but they ran out...and when you turn it on, it gets heated fast in the rage between 40 sec-1 min...and you can't adjust the heat, it only has 1 heat and you only get a turn on and off glides to your hair smoothly, and you might need to run through the hair strands twice, depends on how straightened you want your hair to look...then the handle wouldn't spring back right away after you straighten, so it eventually hurt my hand didn't really lessen the time that I usually take to straighten my whole head, with my old one it would take 10-15 mins, and with Amiko it approx. takes me 15-20 mins...after you finish straightening you hair you notice that you hair feels smoother and shinier...I would give the Amiko straightener 3.5 out of 5 stars...because I don't think the price is right :)

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