Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proud to be Canadian! was such an exiting day especially for all the patriotic Canadians out there...the very last olympic game was the men's ice hockey Canada against United States...unfortunately I had to work today so I cudnt watch the whole game..all of my customers were glued to the t.v especially near the end lol...the score was 2-1 for the longest time and we all thought we had it..but as the time was running low the U.S. team managed to score at the last few seconds...which forced us to go to overtime...and during over time Sidney Crosby scored..which means victory for the Canadian team!!...Crosby is like the national hockey hero and especially at a very young age...that to me is be young and to score the winning goal at the olympics for the gold medal?!?...its like every young children's dream to do dat!!...and I really hope that the youths r inspired by these amazing athletes...I'm very happy that these atheles represented Canada...I'm so proud of all of them..and I'm proud to be Canadian...Also Joannie Rochette's performance at the womens figure skating was unbelievable..I'm so proud of her...I can't imagine what she mustve went through during the hard times when her mom had passed away a few days before her competition...I'm so happy & so proud of her..she also got the bronze medal...congratutations to Joannie Rochette and my prayers go out to her and her family...In the overall medal count U.S.A came first with a total of 37..the Germany with 30 and CANADA came third with a total of 26 medals! but CANADA came first with having the most gold medals of all the countries! Now the winter Olympics r over..and its always a sad time for me...2 weeks went by so fast...but still...GO CANADA GO!

Men's Canada Hocky team with their gold medals!!

Busy Saturday

Yesterday was such a busy day for me...I have 2 events to go to which were my niece Jayla's 3rd birthday...and my friend jenn's 21st I slept in..I didnt get a chance to help my sister to decorate the hall (im soo sorry sis!!)...I started getting ready at 3...I wanted my hair to be curly so it took me twice as long to get ready...when I got to the party all the guest havent arrived I tried to help as much as i can for the last minute fix ups...I had to make a quick stop at zellers to buy my niece new shoes cuz her shoes were hurting her...when i came back i ate..mmmm..I love filipino food...i could never get sick of it...I wish i know how to cook any filipino dishes :(...i need to learn one my niece Jayla, I love you sooo your main godmother I will always be here for you no matter what...I cant believe its been 3 years since u were born...I remembered first seeing your pretty face at trillium hospital...and I'll always spoil u like a princess that u r lol...

me eating

my princess and i eating cupcake

my family

A few hours later I had to go to hamys house to get ready for the next event...but first I had to pick up Jenn all the way from brampton cuz she doesnt have a ride...when we got to hamy's house it was 8 already and the party starts at 8! I was the first one to get ready...Jenns still doing her makeup..hamys mad cuz her stockings ripped! and i was just getting agitated cuz I hate waiting..I have some sort of A.D.D. too lol...when we all finally finished it was 9:15...we arrived at the banquet hall around 9:40...we were soo late everyones done eating already! but its all good...I dont mind cold was open bar all night! so we all just kept drinkin non took me awhile to get drunk..cuz im hard lol! well i am an alcoholic so...after eating we just kept dancing and drinking all night lol and after the party we went to body english but they were already closed..and we went to sugar daddys but the cover was 20 bucks for an hour stay der..forget we all just went back to hamys house to chill and eat some more..hamy thanks for being the designated driver! and to Jenn happy birthday sexy I hope u had a blast cuz we all did..thanks for having me out =D

my outfit for the night

my triplets me, jenn and hamy

the birthday girl jenn and i

our table

Monday, February 22, 2010

So not fun...

My girls and I went out saturday night to partyyy...I was really looking forward to having lots of fun...but unfortunately none of us had fun at all...well i guess the only fun times we had were laughin at people at da club! ahahhah fun times :D...i think dats wut happens when ur just standing there looking bored-u poke fun at people...i know were bitches...anyways we went to embassy nightclub and it was sooo boring...we just stood there..none of us moved a is getting boring now..not live at all..we were all undecisive on which club to go to so i dunno how we ended up at embassy nightclub...we left the club around 1..then went across the street to light nightclub..ughhh another boring club..we just sat there..and made fun of more people ahahahha....ahhh were so mean...that was my saturday night with my girls..and its my reading week too =(..i shudve had a its back to school...ughhh....

my outfit going out

me and my girl rowena

my girls rowena, me and sheila

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Make-up Shopping

Well today I went to sqaure one mall to get my phone (samsung jack) fixed...because for the past few days it hasn't been charging..I actually went to go buy a new charger a few days ago because i thought the charger was broken but nope..I was wrong..then I went to go get a new battery cuz i thought the battery was broke nope..I was wrong yeh it was the phone geezz..if I only got it fixed from the start I would've avoided all the I got a loaner phone which is another samsung jack phone..and I have to wait 4-6 weeks until my phones fixed =(...after the phone situation I went around the mall to just "look around" and my goal was to "not buy anything"...but I already knew myself way too much that I have a sickness when it comes to shopping...I decided to pop into my favourite make-up store mac...I buy most of my make-ups there from eyeliners, eyeliner sharpener, mascara, etc...I just wanted to look at eye shadows and when I saw this brown eyeshadow..I hadta have it ...then I passed by the lipstick section and saw this really pretty pink lipstick..I don't really wear lipstick..I'm more of a nivea labello chapstick type of girl..but when I tried it on I feel inlove with my friends will be seeing me with pink lipstick from now on...and it's actually the mac viva glam by lady gaga lipstick and when you purchase it some of the proceeds is donated to the hiv/aids yey I'm doing something good lol =)

the brown eyeshadow by mas "mulch velvet"

the pink lipstick by mac viva glam lady gaga

Bad Girls Club Season 4

Honestly I don't really watch that much t.v. anymore but this show is my favourite show right now besides gossip girl...I'm totally hooked and watching this entertains me lol...The bad girls club is a show about 7 "bad girls" chosen among many applicants from around the United States and they live together in a big house...and they just basically air their day to day life style and see how they are coming what you see is a lot of drama, fights, backstabbing, fake girls, party life, and favourite bad girl in the show is no other than ms. natalie because i can relate to her...she's the loudest, obnoxious, gets everyones attention, crazy, bitch, runs the shit, leader, great people skills because she can basically get everyone to do what she says and follow I'm not saying im everything she is..but I can see more of my self in her and how she acts...hope u all could start watching the me you will like can view the episodes on youtube or just google it =)

the 7 bad girls for this season l to r: annie, portia, natalie, kate, kendra, flo and amber

the baddest bitch in the house natalie

Saturday, February 13, 2010


One of my all time favourite things to do believe it or not is just to sit down, relax and read a book...cuz sometimes in life when u have a lot of things going on-its good to get away for a minute and just let your mind explore..and i get that from reading..its kind of like therapy...and I just recently finised this book called "Addicted" by Zane...and it was friend told me I should read this book, and she got it from her friend who told her about the book..and now I'm telling everyone about the book lol :D...I've never read a book like this before..and I think the book is for ages has a lot of sexual contents and its very explicit...and the book is basically about a woman who has a sex addiction...and she cheated on her husband with 3 different I know ur probably thinking "well why didnt she just leave her husband, she probably doesnt love him den" actually she met her husband at a very young age, he is her rock, her soulmate, her entire life and she she would catch a bullet for him...she is very much in love with him but when it comes to sex..he is just not pleasing her the way she wants and needs to what can u basically do in that situation? I know is sex is very important in a relationship...and cheating is bad if you would like to know what happens buy the book or borrow it from a library =)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Friday Night at Body English

I got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night =) me and jenn went clubbing for the first time and it was really fun. She decided to come out with me to show my friend Lyca some love for her birthday. It was at a local mississauga club Body English...I've been there many times before I'm not gonna lie lol...I really wanna try other different clubs that I havent been to before just to experiment..anyways the club was live but not as live as the clubs downtown would be normally..the music was good they played a whole bunch of different types to meet the crowds needs...the time when jenn and I went to the middle of the dancefloor was hilarious yet scary...we were like pieces of meats for hungry wolves to eat...these random, nasty ceeps were coming to us from left, right, front, and back...thank god some nice guy decided to help us by sayin we were wid dat always work...and I'm glad I wasn't drunk at da club...even tho I enjoy being drunk all the time..I just didnt want to risk it cuz I was drivin..I think jenn was a lil tipsy lol...and the owner for body english came up to us and gave us V.I.P cards for everytime we go there we dont have to pay for cover and no line-ups..I asked him if he gave this out to everyone and he sed just to pretty girls...the old man got charm lol

me and jenn

with birthday girl lyca

me, myself, and i

Monday, February 1, 2010

Michael Jackson

I know I havent written a blog in awhile..but I've just been extremely busy with school starting, working and partying my life away lol..I decided to write a blog about my all time favourite artist Michael Jackson after seeing the grammys tribute last night...Michael Jackson was definitely gone too soon..I first heard about his death when I was on my way to Vaughn Mills mall..and my friends were textin first I thought it was a joke or sumthin..but as soon as I got home it really hit me that it was true..I just couldnt believe it and just days away before his comeback concert, which btw I was excited to see on youtube...I was devastated and really sad..and I've never met him in my life...I never knew I could feel this way about someone's death without saying a word to them...but its his music that touches and connects to everyone in the world...and that to me is amazing that he was able to do dat...Michael u were really gifted..its almost like God chose you..and u achieved soo much that other artists havent and never will...there is only one Michael Jackson...even though he is often immitated..he will never be duplicated...months and months after his death all I've been doing was going on youtube watching his music videos, interviews, tv specials..and bit by bit I was beginning to understand him and really know him...he seems like a wonderful, caring, shy, sweet man and I would've loved to have gotten a chance to meet him...I've always been such a loyal and true fan to Michael..even with all the trials and his downfalls I never turned my back on him...My prayers go out to his 3 children and his family...Michael I love you...I miss you and u will be forver in my heart..R.I.P