Saturday, February 13, 2010


One of my all time favourite things to do believe it or not is just to sit down, relax and read a book...cuz sometimes in life when u have a lot of things going on-its good to get away for a minute and just let your mind explore..and i get that from reading..its kind of like therapy...and I just recently finised this book called "Addicted" by Zane...and it was friend told me I should read this book, and she got it from her friend who told her about the book..and now I'm telling everyone about the book lol :D...I've never read a book like this before..and I think the book is for ages has a lot of sexual contents and its very explicit...and the book is basically about a woman who has a sex addiction...and she cheated on her husband with 3 different I know ur probably thinking "well why didnt she just leave her husband, she probably doesnt love him den" actually she met her husband at a very young age, he is her rock, her soulmate, her entire life and she she would catch a bullet for him...she is very much in love with him but when it comes to sex..he is just not pleasing her the way she wants and needs to what can u basically do in that situation? I know is sex is very important in a relationship...and cheating is bad if you would like to know what happens buy the book or borrow it from a library =)

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