Monday, February 22, 2010

So not fun...

My girls and I went out saturday night to partyyy...I was really looking forward to having lots of fun...but unfortunately none of us had fun at all...well i guess the only fun times we had were laughin at people at da club! ahahhah fun times :D...i think dats wut happens when ur just standing there looking bored-u poke fun at people...i know were bitches...anyways we went to embassy nightclub and it was sooo boring...we just stood there..none of us moved a is getting boring now..not live at all..we were all undecisive on which club to go to so i dunno how we ended up at embassy nightclub...we left the club around 1..then went across the street to light nightclub..ughhh another boring club..we just sat there..and made fun of more people ahahahha....ahhh were so mean...that was my saturday night with my girls..and its my reading week too =(..i shudve had a its back to school...ughhh....

my outfit going out

me and my girl rowena

my girls rowena, me and sheila

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